Breed Highlight: Labrador Retriever

labrador-787317_960_720Good-looking, smart and fun-loving, the Labrador Retriever has a lot going for him. He is large, but not too large, he’s calm and easygoing when he’s not exuberantly fetching a tennis ball or a bird. The Lab is a do-it-all kind of dog.

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Why Does My Dog Lick So Much?

Why does my dog lick so much?

Obviously, dogs can’t verbalize how they are feeling to us beyond perhaps a bit of whining or barking, and that’s pretty non-specific and really difficult to interpret. If you have a pup that licks a lot, you might be wondering why. Therefore, we have put together some information to hopefully answer the question, “Why does my dog lick so much?”

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What if My Cat’s a Picky Eater?

cat-1308430_960_720Everybody has their favorite foods, but cats are notoriously fussy when it comes to what they will or won’t eat. And often times, they’ll decide to not like something — at the precise moment when you were convinced you had finally found the one food they loved. So, what’s the deal with these finicky cats?

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