How to Have Stress-Free Holidays for Your Pets

Stress-Free Holidays for Your Pets

Pet owners find great joy including their canine and feline companions in as many holiday celebrations as possible. As we enter the holiday season, it’s time for a reminder of how these holiday activities can be stressful for household pets. Therefore, we have put together a few tips on how to have stress-free holidays for your pets.

Stress-Free Holidays for Your Pets

Take Time to Organize

Stress-Free Holidays for Your Pets

Taking the time to organize is one of the many ways you can help provide stress-free holidays for your pets. Make lists of what food you will make, what you need to buy, where everyone is going to sleep if they are staying over, etc. Planning your schedule, even if it’s slightly different than normal, is a great way to stick to one.

Your pets are used to routine. Therefore, knowing how the days leading up to your party are going to play out is a great way to stick to the routine your pet knows. In addition, organizing allows you to find a place for your pet if he or she needs a break from guests. This may include a spare bedroom or bathroom.

Cook Ahead of Time

Stress-Free Holidays for Your Pets

Cooking ahead of time helps to ensure no food will drop on the floor and become tasty treats for your pets. This can be issue especially during the excitement of a party in full-swing.

A few bits of ham or turkey falling wouldn’t be a huge deal. However, if bits of cake frosting, dough, chocolate chips or fried foods fell in the path of you dog or cat this can be a problem. Cooking ahead of time also means less rushing, which can stress out both your and your pets.

Keep Holiday Decorations Simple and Out of Reach of Pets

Stress-Free Holidays for Your Pets

You can make a huge statement with just a few well-placed decorations. In addition, it will free up a lot of time you would have otherwise spend decorating.

Make sure to avoid decorations that your pets can easily get into. These include such as fake snow, lights on the ground, or loose decorations on tables and countertops. Also, keep in mind that holiday plants such as poinsettias or holly are dangerous to pets of ingested.

Exercise Your Pet Before Guests Arrive

Stress-Free Holidays for Your Pets

If you have a dog, consider exercising him before the party. You can take him on a long walk or treat him to a long game of fetch. Tiring your pet our is a good way of assuring hey will stay calm when guests arrive.

Once the party is over, you could even play with Fido again or let him out to run in the yard. Bookending an exciting event like a holiday party with exercise is a great way to work off any build up of stress for both you and your pet.

Organize Travel Plans

Stress-Free Holidays for Your Pets

Whether you or your pet are traveling together or you are riding solo, organizing your travel plans makes all the difference. If your pet is staying at home and you are unable to find a sitter, boarding facilities are a great option.

These are just a few tips on how to provide stress-free holidays for your pets. All Pets Veterinary Medical Center offers boarding services for all of our patients. Every boarder in our Home Away from Home facility receives abundant tender loving care. Contact us with the link below for more information to book your boarding services with us today!

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