How to Spot Rabies In Your Pets

Each year, about 400 to 500 cases of rabies are reported in domestic pets like cats, dogs, and ferrets. Rabies isn’t particularly common in dogs or other animals in the United States, because it is 100% preventable with vaccination.

How to Spot Rabies

Any mammal can get rabies. It can only be passed to another animal or a person through saliva. You cannot get the virus from blood. Contrary to the movies, it is actually hard to spot rabies on the first look. But, there are some slight clues that can give it away. For example, if your animal is behaving strangely or not like themselves, especially after being bitten by another animal. Some animals will be timid and shy, while others can be aggressive. Excessive drooling can be prominent giving off the “foaming at the mouth” effect you often see in movies. Physical signs of rabies in dogs to watch for include fever difficulty swallowing, excessive drooling, staggering, seizures, and even paralysis. As the virus progresses, your dog may act as though they are overstimulated, meaning lights, movement, and sound may appear to have a negative effect. They may seek out a dark, quiet place to hide or act aggressively.  The best way to ensure your pet does or does not have rabies is to get them checked out by vet after coming in contact with a wild animal or a particular aggressive animal.


Rabies is an incurable virus that attacks that brain and spinal cord and if not treated quick enough, is always fatal. Vaccines are the only prevention that can help ensure your pet is safely immune to the virus. Vaccination helps your pet in multiple ways actually, such as protecting your pet on the off chance they bite another person. Your pet should first be vaccinated should be at 14 weeks, than a year later, and then every 3 years after that.

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