Regular Wellness Exams for Dogs and Cats

regular wellness exams for dogs and cats

Just like how you go to the doctor to get checkups every now and then, your pets need the same treatment. People often overlook that pets are beings too, and need regular healthcare just like everyone else. Keeping your pet healthy and at their top shape guarantees a long and happy life for your pets. Staying on top of vaccinations and inspections is one of the greatest impacts you can make for your pet. So why not stop by at All Pets Veterinary Medical Center for a through checkup for your pet soon? We will discuss the importance of regular wellness exams for dogs and cats.

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How to Prepare Your Dog for Fall Season

how to prepare your dog for fall

Fall and Winter are my many people’s favorite times of the year, and they both require a good bit of preparation. We will discuss some great tips you can use as a guide on how to prepare your dog for fall season. Continue reading How to Prepare Your Dog for Fall Season

Safety Hazards For Dogs in the Home


Our pets are like family to us. Even though we do our very best to ensure they enjoy happy and healthy lives, there may be dangers that you aren’t even aware of lurking right there in your home. Therefore, we have put together a few common safety hazards for dogs in the home. Continue reading Safety Hazards For Dogs in the Home

Spring is in the Air!

Spring TimeThis Thursday marks the official first day of spring! For the pet owner, this announcement may conjure images of sunny walks with the dog or cats spellbound by the busy bird feeder.  Each season poses it’s own unique risks for the family pet, therefore it’s important to be vigilant about seasonal pet safety precautions. Continue reading Spring is in the Air!