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Tag: Allergies
Sometimes you will seen the word “grain-free” on dog food labels. You may be wondering whether or not it’s better to feed your dog grain-free food. Therefore, we will answer the common question, “Should you feed your dog grain-free food?”
August is Itchy Pet Awareness Month: Why Does My Dog Scratch So Much?
August is Itchy Pet Awareness Month. A common question we get asked is, “Why does my dog scratch so much?” We will answer this question, as well as provide a few tips on how to prevent your dog from scratching so much.
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Skin Diseases in Dogs and Summer Heat Flares
Summer is almost here. While this is a great time for our pups to play outside in the sunshine, this also means heat flares for dogs with skin diseases. Therefore, we will discuss skin diseases in dogs and how to treat summer heat flares.
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Could Your Dog Have Fall Allergies Too?
We’ve all seen or felt it before: the sneezing, the itching, the watery eyes, the irritated nasal passages and so on. But your dog is now exhibiting signs of the typical behavior for fall allergies in humans. Could your dog have allergies too? Is this even possible? What are the signs and symptoms you should be concerned about, and when is the appropriate time to call the vet?