Breed Highlight: Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier may be small in size but this breed has a big personality. Yorkies make for feisty but loving companions. They are the most popular toy dog breed in the U.S and have won many over with its devotion to its owners, elegant looks and suitability to apartment living.

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Breed Highlight: Corgi

CorgiIf you are looking for a smallish happy fun-loving dog breed, the Corgi may be the right one for you. The two types of Corgis include the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, both of which are similar in many ways. Here are just a few of the many important things to know about Corgis.

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Breed Highlight: Labrador Retriever

labrador-787317_960_720Good-looking, smart and fun-loving, the Labrador Retriever has a lot going for him. He is large, but not too large, he’s calm and easygoing when he’s not exuberantly fetching a tennis ball or a bird. The Lab is a do-it-all kind of dog.

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What if My Cat’s a Picky Eater?

cat-1308430_960_720Everybody has their favorite foods, but cats are notoriously fussy when it comes to what they will or won’t eat. And often times, they’ll decide to not like something — at the precise moment when you were convinced you had finally found the one food they loved. So, what’s the deal with these finicky cats?

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Breed Highlight: Boston Terrier

Boston TerrierBoston Terriers wear a tuxedo coat and a cool attitude. This breed is friendly, portable and enthusiastic in everything they do. These terriers get along well with kids, other pets and pretty much everyone they meet. All in all, Boston Terriers are fantastic companions.

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Chiqa Vs. Granulomatous Meningoencephalomyelitis

Chiqa, a 3.5 year old short-haired Chihuahua, arrived at All Pets on emergency basis in early September after a rapid onset of startling neurological symptoms. Suddenly, she was walking in continuous counter-clockwise circles, tilting her head to the left, and suffering from partial paralysis of both legs on her left side. Several laboratory tests were Continue reading Chiqa Vs. Granulomatous Meningoencephalomyelitis

Breed Highlight: Doberman Pinscher

Doberman PinscherThe Doberman Pinscher is a dog breed first developed in Germany as a guard dog. While it was once known to be aggressive, the Doberman’s temperament has improved through tactful breeding over the years is now considered a reliable family pet.

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3D Printed Limbs in Animals — The Future for Your Pet

3D printing technology is a powerful tool, especially for custom crafting spare parts. This technology is being used in industry to create rapid prototypes and unlock the creativity of product designers. It is even being used in human medicine to create braces, knees and skull pieces. Today, it is also being used to create prosthetic printed legs for animals.

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Trimming Your Dog’s Nails Safely

Nail TrimmingMany dog owners avoid nail trimming because they are afraid of “quicking’ the dog, or that the dog fusses and creates bad feelings around the procedure. Nail cutting can become an event surrounded by angst and drama. Unless your pup is an active outdoors dog, nail trimming on a regular basis is necessary. While high mileage wears nails down naturally, among city and suburban dogs who are lucky to get a mile or two walk daily, excessively long nails are more common than not.

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