Tips for Preventing Fleas, Tapeworms and Dermatitis this Summer

flease, tapeworms and dermatitis

Texas summers bring the increased likelihood of fleas, tapeworms and dermatitis  in pets. Milder temperatures and increased humidity provide ideal conditions for survival and increased reproduction rates for these pests. Fortunately, there are many safe and effective flea, tapeworm and dermatitis products that can help control these.

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Intestinal Parasite Screenings for Cats

1386557497jaka5Parasites often go unnoticed because they are “silent”. Intestinal parasites that are more common have adapted so well to their hosts (your cat), that they are living in balance and cause no observational health issues. This can always change though, because when the parasites become too numerous the pet’s health is affected. The best approach, because of their silent nature, is to try to keep pets completely free of them before the balance becomes disturbed.

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