Karsen is a 13-month-old, guide dog in training. She has been seeing us for veterinary care since April 2015. All Pets Medical is sponsoring 100% of all Karsen’s medical care, including her laparoscopic spay. Karsen has been with her trainer, Laine in Aggie Guide-Dogs and Service-Dogs for a year now.
Month: May 2016
Marijuana Toxicity in Pets
With the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Colorado and Washington, last week the Justice Department effectively announced it won’t challenge other states’ attempts to legalize the drug for medical or recreational use. While marijuana is still classified as illegal, there are many individuals who believe these policy changes lay the groundwork for many states to legalize marijuana, especially for medicinal use in humans. In the meantime, debates about whether or not medical marijuana is beneficial for ailing pets are becoming more frequent. The jury remains out regarding the benefits of medical marijuana for pets, but recent news coverage and an increase in the number of pets being treated for accidental marijuana poisonings are raising questions about the safety of marijuana, especially in dogs.
The perineal urethrostomy that transformed Dean’s life. See him now! [Story and Photos]
Dean, a male domestic shorthair, was suffering from an obstruction of the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder. Obstructions are usually caused by blood, or Continue reading The perineal urethrostomy that transformed Dean’s life. See him now! [Story and Photos]
This is what a handful of puppies looks like!

Continue reading This is what a handful of puppies looks like!
Where Our 2016 Presidential Hopefuls Stand on Veterinary Issues
If you’re wondering how Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump might vote on animal-welfare and veterinary-practice issues the AVMA considers critical, this article will help give you a better idea.
Continue reading Where Our 2016 Presidential Hopefuls Stand on Veterinary Issues