Summer Outdoor Safety for Dogs – All Pets Veterinary Medical Center Provides Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe

summer outdoor safety for dogs

Summer is finally here! This means sun, fun and outdoor activities, many of which can be shared with your dog. However, longer daytime hours and warmer temperatures bring hazards with them. Be cautious of those summer hazards so that you can enjoy a carefree and safe summer with your best friend! All Pets Veterinary Medical Center has compiled a list of tips to help you keep your dog safe when outdoors this summer.

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All Pets Veterinary Medical Center Provides Tips on How to Keep Your Pet Calm This 4th of July Holiday

How to Keep Your Pet Calm this 4th of July Holiday - pets and fireworks

While fireworks, picnics and other Fourth of July traditions can be great fun for people, these festivities can be frightening and even dangerous for animals. Noisy fireworks and other celebrations can startle animals and make them anxious, even causing some to possibly run away. All Pets Veterinary has put together some tips on how to keep your pet calm this 4th of July holiday.

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Minimize Your Dog’s Springtime Shedding

dog shedding

Spring is a time for new growth — and that includes your dog’s coat. Your dog will typically shed his or her old, fuzzy undercoats and grow a new, sleek fur. While most dogs shed all year, shedding tends to be heaviest in the springtime. Avoiding drifts of feathery fur piling up in the corners of your home requires a proactive approach and staying on top of it with basic dog-grooming. Our team here at All Pets Veterinary Medical Center has compiled a list of tips so that you can minimize your dog’s shedding this spring.

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Easter Safety Tips for Your Pets

Easter is a joyous time celebrated by many. There’s a lot of planning that goes into family gatherings and the fun, food and festivities to be enjoyed by children and adults alike. But have you remembered to plan for you pets as well?

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2017 is the Year of the Rooster: What We Can Tell You About Chickens as Pets

RoostersChickens are great, comical creatures that have been domesticated for thousands of years. Keeping backyard chickens was common 100 years ago, but in the 1950s the advent of factory farming and inexpensive store-bought eggs led to a decline in its popularity. However, recently there has been a resurgence of interest in keeping one’s own chickens, both for pleasure of fresh eggs and for the entertainment pet chickens offer. All domesticated chickens belong to the same species, Gallus gallus. There are hundreds of different breeds within this species. However, all chickens have the same basic requirements to remain health: a good quality diet, a clean environment and protection from the elements and predators.

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How to Maintain Long Pet Hair

yorkshire-terrier-171701_960_720If you have a pet, you know how frustrating hair can be, especially during the winter months where it needs to be kept long to keep your furry friend warm. However, keeping the fur off clothing, furniture and the floor can be a never-ending battle. Here are a few tips to maintaining your pet’s long hair.

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Human Medicine vs. Pet Medicine

Medication - Over the Counter - otcAnimal health and human health are inextricably connected. When your pet has a medical condition, All Pets may prescribe one or more medications to manage, treat or cure the problem. While there are some veterinary-specific drugs, many of the drugs in veterinary medicine are the similar to human medicine. We will discuss human medicine vs. pet medicine, as well as what medicines are safe and not safe for pets.

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Trimming Your Dog’s Nails Safely

Nail TrimmingMany dog owners avoid nail trimming because they are afraid of “quicking’ the dog, or that the dog fusses and creates bad feelings around the procedure. Nail cutting can become an event surrounded by angst and drama. Unless your pup is an active outdoors dog, nail trimming on a regular basis is necessary. While high mileage wears nails down naturally, among city and suburban dogs who are lucky to get a mile or two walk daily, excessively long nails are more common than not.

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What to Do When You Find a Baby Bird

baby bird-All PetsThere are many species of birds such as robins, scrub jays, crows and owls that leave the nest and spend as many as 2-5 days on the ground before they can fly. This is a normal and vital part of the young birds’ development. The birds are cared for and protected by their parents while they are on the ground, and are also taught vital life skills such as finding food, identifying predators and flying.

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